

EAP Space is a blog run by ICAS experts, where we share our knowledge and show how EAP (Employee Assistance Program) affects the balance and efficiency of companies, teams and employees.
We invite you to exchange experiences and discuss.

Support, cooperation, understanding. 10 Years of ICAS Poland

How do you create a brand whose mission is to restore the balance of people and organizations? How do you gain trust in such a sensitive area as mental health care?

EAP, Psychology, Work
Nowe technologie

Human versus machine

Technology endows us with new possibilities, yet its entry into the workplace often involves technostress. We provide guidance on how to cope with it

Psychology, Work

Where does happiness come from?

At the onset of summer, we ponder to what extent happiness is within our own hands and provide insights on what to do to feel happier


Child within each of us

As we celebrate Children’s Day, we wish all adults to reconnect with the part of themselves that still longs to experience joy, embrace dreams, and explore the world


When an employee leaves unnoticed

The prevalence of quiet quitting inspires us to reflect on how to transform employees’ emotions, rather than having them withdrawn, into fuel for the organization.

Psychology, Work

Overcoming crisis – support in emergency situations

Psychotraumatologist Agata Fryś discusses crisis intervention and the actions that help victims return to a state of balance.


Difficulties growing up, laziness, or maybe depression?

The problem of depression among children and adolescents is growing. What to do when it shows up at your doorstep? Agata Fryś, a psychotraumatologist, talks how to react and help.


In New Year – more balance

Do you know someone who has truly achieved balance and is able to keep it? I do not. Nevertheless, I urge you to seek it.


Christmas, fears and hopes

It was a difficult year. Full of tension and uncertainty. How to prepare for the celebration in such an atmosphere? How to overcome fears and build hope for a better tomorrow?



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