

Sprawdź czy dotyka nas kryzys męskości i jak zadbać o zdrowie psychiczne mężczyzn

21 May 2024

Where are the men? How the myth of masculinity is falling

Who is a real man? Are we experiencing a crisis of masculinity? Does patriarchy truly protect men? Małgosia Kwiatkowska discusses this with psychologist Stach Borawski
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FOMO podcast - zdrowie psychiczne pracowników, wellbeing w firmie, opieka psychologiczna

24 April 2024

Illusion vs. truth. How to defend yourself against FOMO? 

How to recognize FOMO? How to take care of oneself in a technology-dominated world? Małgosia Kwiatkowska discusses these topics with Bartek Karcz
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Okaż serce swemu sercu - zdrowie psychiczne pracowników, wellbeing w firmie, opieka psychologiczna pracowników

25 March 2024

Take care of your heart

Throughout life, it beats 2.5 billion times. April's Heart Week is an opportunity to appreciate the effort of the hardest-working organ in our bodies
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Neuroróżnorodność - dobrostan pracowników, wsparcie psychologiczne, inkluzywność

27 February 2024

High sensitivity – gift or curse? 

A discussion about what high sensitivity is, how to recognize it in oneself, why it's worth accepting it within oneself, and perhaps even loving it.
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Drogowskaz - wellbeing w firmie, zarządzanie zmianą, program wsparcia pracowników

23 February 2024

Ready for change

Can we plan our lives anew? How to effectively set and achieve goals? Participants of the course organised by ICAS Poland learned about this
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Miłość - zdrowie psychiczne pracowników, wellbeing w firmie

29 January 2024

Love forgives everything

What is love? To what extent is it found, and in what way does it build? Does "true" love forgive everything and overcome all obstacles?
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Kurs cyfrowy świat - work-life balance, zdrowie psychiczne, HR

27 December 2023

How not to get lost in the digital world

How to use technology properly? How to protect health and finances from it - that's what experts from ICAS Poland explained to participants of the "Digital World" course
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Książkowe inspiracje, które warto przeczytać w 2024 roku, aby poszerzyć horyzonty i zdobyć nowe umiejętności.

19 December 2023

Inspiring books for 2024

How to find the energy to take action in the new year? What can we do to achieve the success? ICAS Poland experts recommend books that will prepare us for changes
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Merry go round a Christmas table

28 November 2023

Merry go round a Christmas table

How to find a way to have a successful holiday? Prepare for challenging family gatherings? Distance yourself from loved ones? Or perhaps reshape your approach to joint celebration?
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