

Merry go round a Christmas table

28 November 2023

Merry go round a Christmas table

How to find a way to have a successful holiday? Prepare for challenging family gatherings? Distance yourself from loved ones? Or perhaps reshape your approach to joint celebration?
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In New Year – more balance

22 December 2022

In New Year – more balance

Do you know someone who has truly achieved balance and is able to keep it? I do not. Nevertheless, I urge you to seek it.
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Jak radzić sobie z samotnością w święta

25 November 2022

Christmas, fears and hopes

It was a difficult year. Full of tension and uncertainty. How to prepare for the celebration in such an atmosphere? How to overcome fears and build hope for a better tomorrow?
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Choinka - blog ICAS, zdrowie psychiczne, wsparcie psychologiczne, dobrostan pracowników

17 December 2021

Wishing you peace of mind in times of uncertainty

With Christmas ahead – talking about finding balance when the world lacks harmony
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