
Professional burnout

Kultura feedbacku w organizacji - rozwój pracowników, HR, dobrostan w pracy

26 March 2024

Bridges instead of walls

Building a feedback culture in an organization is not an easy path, but it is worth every step, because even small changes can bring real benefits
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When an employee leaves unnoticed

24 April 2023

When an employee leaves unnoticed

The prevalence of quiet quitting inspires us to reflect on how to transform employees' emotions, rather than having them withdrawn, into fuel for the organization.
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Czy 4-dniowy tydzień pracy stanie się w najbliższych latach naszą rzeczywistością? Taki wariant analizuje na razie polski rząd. Zwolenników i przeciwników skrócenia czasu pracy nie brakuje.

21 June 2024

4-day work week – fantasy or future?

Will a four-day work week become our reality in the coming years? This is currently being considered by the Polish government.
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