

Inkluzywność przynosi korzyści zarówno pracownikom, jak i firmie. Jak tworzyć różnorodne środowisko pracy i zadbać o DEI?

24 May 2024

Including everyone. Inclusivity in the organisation

Inclusivity benefits both employees and the company. How can we create a diverse and welcoming work environment for everyone?
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Mental health – what do employees expect?

09 January 2024

Mental health – what do employees expect?

This is not a niche trend or a fading fashion - employees want to work for companies where their mental health is important, and this sets a new role for leaders
EAP, HR, Work
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Zwolnienie z pracy - HR, pomoc pracownikom, dobrostan pracowników

23 October 2023

Layoffs at a company

Workforce reductions can be challenging for both employees and employers. How does the ICAS EAP program assist both parties in parting ways amicably?
HR, Work
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Dowiedz się, jak ICAS Poland wspiera zdrowie psychiczne pracowników od 10 lat, oferując skuteczny program EAP.

22 August 2023

Support, cooperation, understanding. 10 Years of ICAS Poland

How do you create a brand whose mission is to restore the balance of people and organizations? How do you gain trust in such a sensitive area as mental health care?
EAP, HR, Work
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When an employee leaves unnoticed

24 April 2023

When an employee leaves unnoticed

The prevalence of quiet quitting inspires us to reflect on how to transform employees' emotions, rather than having them withdrawn, into fuel for the organization.
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Dlaczego umiejętność odpoczywania jest kluczowa dla zdrowia psychicznego

26 May 2022

How to wisely take care of employees in troubled times

In an increasingly complex and unpredictable world, the ICAS EAP helps employees and managers stay balanced and able to act
EAP, HR, Work
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Odkryj, jakie korzyści ekonomiczne przynosi Program EAP w firmie i jak wpływa na dobrostan pracowników.

26 February 2021

Does the EAP program make economic sense? 

The return on investment in EAP reached 1:10 even before the pandemic – supporting employees brings employers tangible and measurable benefits
EAP, HR, Work
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Czy 4-dniowy tydzień pracy stanie się w najbliższych latach naszą rzeczywistością? Taki wariant analizuje na razie polski rząd. Zwolenników i przeciwników skrócenia czasu pracy nie brakuje.

21 June 2024

4-day work week – fantasy or future?

Will a four-day work week become our reality in the coming years? This is currently being considered by the Polish government.
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Dyrektywa Unii Europejskiej najpóźniej w 2026 roku wprowadzi w Polsce jawność wynagrodzeń. Co zmienią nowe przepisy? Jak wpłyną na pracowników i pracodawców? W jaki sposób zareaguje na to rynek pracy?

27 August 2024

Pay Transparency – What and How It Will Change in the Job Market

The EU directive will introduce pay transparency in Poland by 2026. What will these new regulations change? How will they affect employees and employers?
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