
Mental health

Okaż serce swemu sercu - zdrowie psychiczne pracowników, wellbeing w firmie, opieka psychologiczna pracowników

25 March 2024

Take care of your heart

Throughout life, it beats 2.5 billion times. April's Heart Week is an opportunity to appreciate the effort of the hardest-working organ in our bodies
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Neuroróżnorodność - dobrostan pracowników, wsparcie psychologiczne, inkluzywność

27 February 2024

High sensitivity – gift or curse? 

A discussion about what high sensitivity is, how to recognize it in oneself, why it's worth accepting it within oneself, and perhaps even loving it.
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Drogowskaz - wellbeing w firmie, zarządzanie zmianą, program wsparcia pracowników

23 February 2024

Ready for change

Can we plan our lives anew? How to effectively set and achieve goals? Participants of the course organised by ICAS Poland learned about this
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Książkowe inspiracje, które warto przeczytać w 2024 roku, aby poszerzyć horyzonty i zdobyć nowe umiejętności.

19 December 2023

Inspiring books for 2024

How to find the energy to take action in the new year? What can we do to achieve the success? ICAS Poland experts recommend books that will prepare us for changes
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Artykuł o tym, że nigdy nie jest za późno, by wprowadzić zmiany w życiu i osiągnąć sukces.

25 August 2023

It’s never too late

You can still reach out for the important things you want in your life. However, act as if there is no moment to lose
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Overcoming crisis – support in emergency situations

12 April 2023

Overcoming crisis – support in emergency situations

Psychotraumatologist Agata Fryś discusses crisis intervention and the actions that help victims return to a state of balance.
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Flaga Ukrainy, wsparcie pracowników, wojna, sytuacje kryzysowe, dobrostan psychiczny, HR

25 February 2022

It happened

How to take care of yourself and others in the face of a war that is so close
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Praktyczne porady, jak HR i menedżerowie mogą rozmawiać z pracownikami o zdrowiu psychicznym, aby poprawić ich zaangażowanie.

08 November 2021

How to talk about mental health

Normalizing mental health conversations can make a huge difference for yourself and other people, but do we know how to do it? We share the dos and don’ts.
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Dowiedz się, jak i gdzie pracownicy mogą szukać pomocy psychologicznej, aby poprawić swoje zdrowie psychiczne i dobrostan.

09 August 2021

A difference that one conversation can make

About psychological help offered by the EAP Helpline, concerns associated with seeking professional help and why turning for help earlier rather than later matters
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