

Depresja u dzieci - chłopiec, zdrowie psychiczne młodzieży, wsparcie psychologiczne, dobrostan psychiczny

26 January 2023

Difficulties growing up, laziness, or maybe depression?

The problem of depression among children and adolescents is growing. What to do when it shows up at your doorstep? Agata Fryś, a psychotraumatologist, talks how to react and help.
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Overcoming crisis – support in emergency situations

12 April 2023

Overcoming crisis – support in emergency situations

Psychotraumatologist Agata Fryś discusses crisis intervention and the actions that help victims return to a state of balance.
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Child within each of us

29 May 2023

Child within each of us

As we celebrate Children's Day, we wish all adults to reconnect with the part of themselves that still longs to experience joy, embrace dreams, and explore the world
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Odkryj, co wpływa na szczęście  i jak można wspierać dobrostan psychiczny.

21 June 2023

Where does happiness come from?

At the onset of summer, we ponder to what extent happiness is within our own hands and provide insights on what to do to feel happier
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Nowe technologie - stres w pracy, wypalenie zawodowe, zdrowie psychiczne

28 July 2023

Human versus machine

Technology endows us with new possibilities, yet its entry into the workplace often involves technostress. We provide guidance on how to cope with it
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Artykuł o tym, że nigdy nie jest za późno, by wprowadzić zmiany w życiu i osiągnąć sukces.

25 August 2023

It’s never too late

You can still reach out for the important things you want in your life. However, act as if there is no moment to lose
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Merry go round a Christmas table

28 November 2023

Merry go round a Christmas table

How to find a way to have a successful holiday? Prepare for challenging family gatherings? Distance yourself from loved ones? Or perhaps reshape your approach to joint celebration?
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Książkowe inspiracje, które warto przeczytać w 2024 roku, aby poszerzyć horyzonty i zdobyć nowe umiejętności.

19 December 2023

Inspiring books for 2024

How to find the energy to take action in the new year? What can we do to achieve the success? ICAS Poland experts recommend books that will prepare us for changes
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Kurs cyfrowy świat - work-life balance, zdrowie psychiczne, HR

27 December 2023

How not to get lost in the digital world

How to use technology properly? How to protect health and finances from it - that's what experts from ICAS Poland explained to participants of the "Digital World" course
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