Blog eap space

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EAP Space is a blog run by ICAS experts, where we share our knowledge and show how EAP (Employee Assistance Program) affects the balance and efficiency of companies, teams and employees.
We invite you to exchange experiences and discuss.
Jak zamienić awans w sukces, sukces zawodowy, zaangażowanie pracowników, wskazówki dla liderów

17 marca 2021

How to turn promotion into a success?

Psychologist Matt Biegała shares insights on supporting new managers to ensure the change proves beneficial for both them and their teams
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Odkryj, jakie korzyści ekonomiczne przynosi Program EAP w firmie i jak wpływa na dobrostan pracowników.

26 lutego 2021

Does the EAP program make economic sense? 

The return on investment in EAP reached 1:10 even before the pandemic – supporting employees brings employers tangible and measurable benefits
EAP, HR, Work
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