

EAP Space is a blog run by ICAS experts, where we share our knowledge and show how EAP (Employee Assistance Program) affects the balance and efficiency of companies, teams and employees.
We invite you to exchange experiences and discuss.
Iluzja kontra prawda. Jak bronić się przed FOMO?

Illusion vs. truth. How to defend yourself against FOMO? 

How to recognize FOMO? How to take care of oneself in a technology-dominated world? Małgosia Kwiatkowska discusses these topics with Bartek Karcz


Ready for change

Can we plan our lives anew? How to effectively set and achieve goals? Participants of the course organised by ICAS Poland learned about this


Christmas, fears and hopes

It was a difficult year. Full of tension and uncertainty. How to prepare for the celebration in such an atmosphere? How to overcome fears and build hope for a better tomorrow?


How to talk about mental health

Normalizing mental health conversations can make a huge difference for yourself and other people, but do we know how to do it? We share the dos and don’ts.

Health, Psychology
Awans w pracy

How to turn promotion into a success?

Psychologist Matt Biegała shares insights on supporting new managers to ensure the change proves beneficial for both them and their teams

Management, Psychology, Work


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